Meet the Emerald Team

Dovile Gill

Dovile leads The Emerald Clinic Team. Her entire focus is on helping her clients feel better about their bodies using the unique fat and cellulite loss features of the Emerald Laser.

Dovile dedicates her practice solely to the Emerald Laser, which has now earned her a reputation as the expert…. The “go-to” for safe and straightforward fat loss solutions.

Dovile lives locally with her husband, Dr Hap Gill, and her 2 sons. She loves spending time outdoors, walking in the beautiful Richmond, and gardening. Dovile also enjoys experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen and hosting dinner parties for friends and family!

Front of house Team

Meet Ely, Beth, Lizzy, and Anita, the friendly faces you’ll often meet first when you visit us. Their warm welcomes have become legendary in Richmond, setting the tone for your entire experience with us. You can always expect a genuine smile and a personalized coffee just the way you like it, making your visit feel special from the very beginning. Whether it’s your first time or you’re a regular, this team ensures you feel right at home from the moment you step through the door.

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What our customers say

Faris Rai (farisSTINGrai)
Faris Rai (farisSTINGrai)
31 July 2024
When I first discovered The Emerald Clinic I thought that this was exactly what I needed because I have always struggled with reducing fat around my stomach area and never have been able to shake it off. After meeting with Doville and understanding how the technology worked it encouraged me to take better care of myself and become more aware of the foods I am eating and amount of exercise I am doing. She was lovely and very helpful during every session and even touched base with me to check how I am getting on. After seeing the before and after photos I couldn't believe how much difference we had visibly noticed within a month. No pain or side effects, highly recommend!
Houssam Elfagroud
Houssam Elfagroud
13 July 2024
I had my hair done last week. The whole process was really easy. From booking in to the procedure itself. Staff were very professional and helpful, the premises were very clean and hygienic and the staff attentive. My implant was pain free. I thank you all and would definitely recommend EMERALD CLINIC to everybody. A great experience !
Soodad Al-Naib
Soodad Al-Naib
11 July 2024
Amazing results, I was sceptical about it. I thought I have already some health conditions and it will not work for me, for my surprise it did work with the determination and encouraging of the amazing Dovile it really worked! I lost more than I expected and was in my Bikini for the first time in many year on the beach! This have change my confidence and I recommend it if you are a person who want to change your looks… you should always motivate yourself to eat healthy and drink a lot of water to see big change… I took the 10 sessions deal and it was suitable for my goals. Thanks alot Dovile…? In love with my new tummy 😍❤️
S Basi
S Basi
17 June 2024
I have struggled with weight most of my life, but especially since being on some medication the last decade which really ballooned my weight. I’ve tried virtually very diet and been hardcore into fitness as well. Despite all of that, and a really demanding job, I struggled to keep with results. I came across emerald on social media and I wasn’t sure if it was going to work because I didn’t see much online out there. It seemed almost too good to be true. Dovile was amazing so supportive, kind and a true advocate. Emerald was really relaxing and it was such a pleasure to be on this journey with dovile. From session to session you don’t see much change but document it, and you will be surprised as I was by the end the results. I have more energy and more confidence to show up in life for work, for my fitness goals and to be more present physically for my loved ones. It was an investment in me and the emerald clinic was an amazing part of the journey. The staff are really friendly and I will honestly miss my sessions with dovile. Of course you have to do the work to change your lifestyle and habits but this just gives you the extra boost to see results which motivate you to keep with it. Thank you dovile and the emerald clinic for helping me achieve results!
Jennifer Gove
Jennifer Gove
7 June 2024
I am so pleased I went to The Emerald Clinic in Richmond. The area we focused on (above hips/below waist) has reduced noticeably, it’s so nice being smaller there than I ever have been before. In addition, the sessions are very relaxing - it is a really comfortable space, so as well as toning up it’s a nice opportunity to relax. I will definitely be back to tackle another area soon.
6 June 2024
Having struggled with my weight and ‘menopause middle’ for the last few years, I was curious when Emerald Laser Clinic opened in Richmond. The clinic is housed on River Lane, overlooking the Thames within the premises of The Richmond Dentist. Over the past few years I have tried a number of things to try to reduce my waistline. Swimming, Pilates, Rebounding, increased steps, intermittent fasting, diets etc. Most recently I tried a quite strict exercise and diet programme which worked for my husband who lost 13kgs in 11 weeks but I only lost 4. When I saw that Emerald Laser promised to ‘shrink fat’ with no down time, it’s fair to say, that I loved the sound of it but felt quite skeptical. It sounded too good to be true. However, with a spring break in the sun approaching, I felt it was worth a try as nothing else has worked. After a consultation with Dovile (the lovely wife of Richmond Dentist Dr Hap Gill), where she explained how it works, I started a course of 6 sessions. The treatment itself is very relaxing. You simply lie down and the laser does its thing. After the treatment Dovile offers a lymphatic drainage session using a top of the range compression suit. I felt this really helped to get my circulation going after the treatment. During the course of the treatment I have carried on with life as normal. Generally I am quite active, and eat healthily, mainly cooking from scratch at home, and I walk everywhere when possible. I have maintained those good habits during the treatment plan, but have still lived life normally, having the occasional glass of wine or dessert. For the first 3 sessions, I didn’t really see much of a difference. Dovile takes measurements to track progress but not much seemed to have moved. However, by the 4th session I could really see and feel a difference. After session 6, I could really see the difference. I tried on last years summer clothes and most of them were now too big. I then retrieved some clothes from storage that I hadn’t worn for 3 years and to my delight, many of them now fit. Although the treatment focussed on my waist, I seem to have also lost weight around my hips and thighs which is a pleasant added bonus. I don’t seem to have shifted much on the scales, but the change in shape is clear to see. It feels to me like the laser treatment shifted something. Where I had felt quite ‘solid’ around the middle, this has now slimmed down. Dovile told me that the results should be maintained as long as I keep up with a healthy lifestyle. It is good to know that it also possible to arrange top up treatments, if I need a quick reset. For me, this has been the solution I have been looking for, and I would highly recommend it.
Elizabeth Bourke
Elizabeth Bourke
25 April 2024
For the last decade I’ve been raising my children single handed whilst working part time and caring for my aging parents. I've struggled to find any time or cash for taking care of myself and coupled with the weight gain, loss of confidence, and insomnia (to name but a few) effects of hitting the menopause I started to avoid mirrors and stopped buying clothes as the thought of purchasing a size 16 when I was a healthy 12 before the kids was just depressing. Then entirely by chance I discovered Emerald Lasser treatment with Dovile Gill at The Richmond Dentist and after 10 sessions I bought a bikini! Okay, I didn't actually wear it but to even have purchased it speaks volumes about how fantastic I feel. Prior to Emerald I honestly felt disgusted with my body shape and the fact that I had strayed so far away from my once toned and sculpted figure, that I was in a toxic pattern of feeling so bad about myself and overwhelmed by the amount of hard work required to improve things that I buried my head in the sand and did nothing except dislike myself even more. Thankfully Emerald has reignited my self-esteem and, although far from complete, has set me firmly on the path to believing that I can look and feel good and given me the motivation I needed to rejoining yoga classes and stop reaching for the biscuit tin. In addition to reducing my waist line (noticeable after the first 5 sessions) I lost every ounce of fat from my upper torso without losing any weight in my face or reduction in my bust size. Without the back fat and a tummy reassembling me at 6 months pregnant I feel amazing. I still have a way to go but without the Emerald sessions I'd have never got started. I've committed to regularly attending yoga classes and eating healthy for six months and then I'm going to reward myself with another course of Emerald targeting my thighs. By the time I head to the sun for Christmas I will be rocking the bikini! The sessions are completely painless and provide an opportunity to relax and unwind in pleasant surroundings with parking available. Dovile is so warm, welcoming and, most importantly, non-judgmental that no matter how difficult your relationship has become with your body you can greatly improve it. Sent from Outlook for iOS